Story time starring your favorite kid!
Same-day-ready professionally personalized children's books.
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Same-day-ready professionally personalized children's books.
The children in your life will appreciate this long-lasting and thoughtful gift.
We're busy parents, so we know how hard it can be to set aside time to be together, and how it can be challenging to get them to read. With a personalized story, you can accomplish both in a way they'll cherish.
You'll provide information about the kid in your life including name, pet or stuffed animal, and genre at the time of purchase and you'll be emailed your personalized custom e-book to share on any device.
Of course! We provide a number of suggested stories and subjects, or you can specify one of your own.
Absolutely. Our custom stories are tailored specifically to you, so while there are no refunds, we will gladly issue you another customized book for free if you are not satisfied - but we know you will be!